HBOT Treatments Equal

Why aren't all HBOT treatments equal?

There are several ways to administer hyperbaric oxygen treatments. Some are more effective, while others are more comfortable. Some may not work at all.

HBOT Treatments Equal

Why aren't all HBOT
treatments equal

There are several ways to administer hyperbaric oxygen treatments. Some are more effective, while others are more comfortable. Some may not work at all.

To put it another way, not all HBOT treatments are the same. At high pressures, you may be receiving extra oxygen, but are you certain that your body is completely saturated with 100% pure oxygen? Let’s look at what differentiates these treatments and how you can tell if your time in an HBOT chamber is producing the desired results.

Monoplace Treatments vs. Multiplace Treatments

Monoplace Treatments vs.
Multiplace Treatments

While both monoplace and multiplace HBOT chambers aim to provide the patient with 100% pure oxygen, there are some key differences that can affect your treatment experience.

For starters, monoplace chambers provide the precise control required to meet an individual’s specific treatment needs. We can regulate the pressure and oxygen levels to ensure that each treatment is as effective as possible. Because multiplace chambers treat multiple people at once, there is less control over the specifics.

Second, multiplace chambers are more common in hospitals or trauma centres, where waiting for an open chamber is not an option. This also means that they have more options for specialised seating (such as wheelchair space), and patients can stand or lay down as needed.

Finally, patients in multiplace chambers must breathe oxygen through a special mask or hood. This can be very uncomfortable for many people, especially when treatments can easily last a couple of hours. Many people find it difficult to relax because it feels claustrophobic.

True, both treatments provide 100% oxygen, but monoplace has the potential to be more
comfortable and effective

Soft-Sided Chambers vs. Hard-Sided Chambers

Soft-Sided Chambers vs.
Hard-Sided Chambers

Simply put, soft-side chambers cannot provide the same benefits or treat the same conditions as hard-side chambers.

A soft-side chamber is made of a soft plastic that is not designed to withstand the pressure required to saturate the body with healing oxygen.

They have recently gained popularity because they are not considered medical equipment and are easily stored and can therefore be used at home.

They are not, however, approved to treat anything other than acute mountain sickness, unlike hard-side chambers.

Let's take a closer look at the specifics.

Let's take a
closer look
at the specifics.

Soft-side chambers can withstand pressures of up to 1.3 ata, whereas hard-side chambers can withstand pressures of up to 3.0 ata. Hard-side chambers provide 100% pure oxygen, whereas soft-side chambers only provide about 21%. (Which is practically ambient air).

The FDA has approved hard-side chambers to treat a wide range of conditions, and studies are showing a lot of promise in several off-label conditions as well. For a single treatment, soft-side chambers are useful. Everything else is simply not feasible.

To summarise, you will be unable to receive effective treatment in a soft-side chamber.

Looking for Hyperbaric
Oxygen Therapy

Looking for
Hyperbaric Oxygen
Therapy Liverpool

Welcome to Aesthetics of The Royal Liver Building. We are extremely proud to announce availability for treatments in our ultra-modern clinic, where we have a Hard-side 2.0 ata medical classed chamber awaiting you.

If you are seeking HBOT Chambers in Liverpool, then look no further. We are the sole exclusive clinic to offer fully efficacious hard side, monoplace treatments in Liverpool.

If you want to learn more about HBOT benefits Liverpool, please contact us and talk to one of our specialists about these new treatments.

Choose the Most Effective HBOT Treatment

Choose the Most
Effective HBOT Treatment

It’s important to understand the differences in these treatments so you can prepare for your experience in an HBOT chamber and take advantage of hyperbaric oxygen benefits.

HBOT Near Me

At Aesthetics of The Royal Liver Building, our monoplace hyperbaric chambers are world leading in HBOT technology. Each of these chambers has been designed to provide quality treatments in a comfortable environment.

We are ready to answer any questions about these HBOT treatment methods. Schedule an appointment with us today at 0151 203 0020, or contact us anytime at to learn more about your options.


Microneedling Therapy
Microneedling Therapy



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